Karl Barth’s Most Profound Truth

“For those of you who have never heard of Karl Barth, he was the most prolific theologian of this century. He is the Wayne Gretzky, the Babe Ruth, of 20th century Christian theology. Karl Barth’s theology was as complex as it was profound. When Barth visited the University of Chicago, students and scholars crowded around him. At a press conference, someone asked, ‘Dr. Barth, what is the most profound truth you have learned in your studies?’. Without hesitation he replied, ‘Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so’. Karl Barth, perhaps the greatest mind of the 20th century, was impacted most, not be reading theological treatises, but by the simple truth, ‘Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so’. Surely this demonstrates to us that we need not wait until we are Bible scholars before we begin obeying the command: “preach the Word “…”

SOURCE: http://www.lutheransonline.com

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